Blog Posts

The Quilt That Spoke

Have you ever had a quilt practically tell you what it wants to be? I thought I had until this one practically spoke itself into existence.

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My Daisy Jane Quilt

Daisy Jane bloomed in the wake of what seemed a bitter pruning. But, I’m learning to lean into the cycle of growth in all of its forms.

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2020: A Year in Review

As I reflect back on 2020, I can honestly say that I feel more fully present and whole than I have in a really long time. It proved a year full of surprises and changes, but it also became a year full of growth.

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The Story Behind Daisy Jane

I managed to create a flower using the coffins as petals. It looked just like a daisy. Its very existence declared beauty in spite of tragedy, joy in spite of sorrow. And, the Daisy Jane block was born.

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What I’ve Learned While Stuck in Malawi

We have been “stuck” in Malawi due to COVID-19. There has been plenty to reflect on over the past few months. We have had several new experiences, as well as a few moments of reckoning with reality. Here are a few takeaways.

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A Two Cent Quilt Story

This quilt came to life as I mulled over this woman’s two cents in my heart. She didn’t compare herself to others or shrink back with insecurity.

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