This post about the “Dew Drops” pattern is a part of the “In the Garden” mini quilt series. Shop the pattern here!
As we continue with the “In the Garden” mini quilt series, what is a garden without a bit of dew or some gentle showers?
I have developed a deep appreciation for rain since moving to Malawi. Interestingly, it only rains in Malawi for a few months out of the year during rainy season. This season of heavy rain provides the singular watering for the country’s main food crop, maize.
It is also the time of year when the otherwise dusty, arid terrain bursts into every shade of green from lime to emerald. It’s enchanting. However, as we journeyed through another winter in Malawi, I noticed something I hadn’t before. Dew.
In the Garden
I’m not what you would call a morning person, so many times by the time I make friends with the day and make my way outside to the garden, the dew has already evaporated. But, this year, I happened to catch it on a particular morning when it had bejeweled the single, long-stemmed red rose in our garden.

While the rose itself was spectacular, I couldn’t believe how delicately the dew shimmered in the morning light. The gentleness of the picture struck me. There are times when we need a healthy watering for our parched souls. But, there are other times when we’ve been beaten down by torrential downpours for so long it feels like we are drowning.
Dew Drops
Dew is different. It doesn’t hang heavy or last for days on end. It settles imperceptibly and provides just enough refreshment for the day.
Dew drops are gentle, but nourishing. Like grace.
During a season that felt not only dry, but heavy, I needed refreshment. But, I needed it in a way that didn’t crush my already bruised capacity. Something about stitching these little teardrops into a mini quilt spoke to this idea of dew: gentle and gracious, refreshing and nourishing. Thus, “Dew Drops” was born.

I don’t know the season you are in today. Maybe you are in full bloom after a season of heavy rain. Or, maybe you feel dry as a desert without a bloom in sight. My prayer for you is that you may sense the gentleness of dew in this season. May this little pattern inspire and refresh you as you stitch.
Shop all the “In the Garden” patterns here!
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