
EPP Primer: Starter Supplies
One of the best things about EPP is that you can begin with relatively few supplies. If you have paper, fabric, a needle, and thread you can begin. Here are a few of my absolute favorite supplies that I have adopted as part of my EPP toolbox.

EPP Primer: How to Baste for English Paper Piecing
In EPP, basting is used to temporarily hold the fabric to the papers as the fabric is stitched together. The two most common ways of accomplishing the basting step in EPP utilize thread or glue. Let’s have a look at both.

EPP Primer: How to Whipstitch for English Paper Piecing
The stitching is probably my favorite part of EPP. It is rhythmic and mindless, yet you have something beautiful to show for your effort and time. I hope that as you begin to assimilate EPP into your canon of sewing that you also begin to experience the beauty, and even magic, of stitching.

EPP Pro: Taking Your EPP to the Next Level
Let’s take your EPP to the next level! In this tutorial series we are going to demystify some of the common areas that trip EPP stitchers up and keep us from making the EPP quilt of our dreams.

EPP Pro: Finding Time to Sew
I have heard it said about EPP so many times, “I’d love to try it, but I just don’t have the time.” Time is a precious commodity in our fast-paced lives. In this post, I’d like to invite us to reconsider how we utilize the time we do have.

EPP Pro: Streamlining Your Supplies
One of the best parts about EPP is that you can begin with relatively few supplies. However, there are several additional supplies that can make the process more efficient. This post is devoted to those EPP supplies.

EPP Pro: Basting with Brilliance
Bulk basting is probably my new favorite skill in my EPP repertoire. It took me about three years of doing EPP to realize the delight of engaging in this time saving process, and now I just can’t stop!

EPP Pro: Stitching with Style
I love the hand stitched character of my EPP quilts. As such, I have discovered a few tips and tricks that cleverly camouflage the stitches from afar, but that still clearly credit the hand stitching up close.

EPP Pro: Keeping Track of It All
Before we conclude the EPP Pro series, I want to say a word about keeping track of it all. I learned fairly early on that it helps me tremendously to have a system for keeping track of not only my supplies, but also my projects and my progress.

Hand Quilting HQ: Choosing a Quilt Motif
Before we jump in to the techniques of this hand quilting tutorial, it feels pertinent to discuss how to choose a quilting motif for your quilt.

Hand Quilting HQ: From Batting to Basting
This post is part of the Hand Quilting HQ tutorial series. For the most fluid experience, I recommend starting at the beginning since the posts build upon each other. If you missed any of the previous posts, you can find them here. If you’ve been

Hand Quilting HQ: How to Hand Quilt
In this segment we’re going to finally dive into the actual technique of hand quilting! I’ll share my favorite supplies, differentiate a few different hand quilting styles, address the question of “to hoop or not to hoop,” and go through the steps you’ll need to take your very first hand quilting stitches.

5 of My Favorite Hand Quilting Hacks
I love a good hack, especially for long term stitching projects that involve EPP or hand quilting. Here’s a few of my favorites.

5 of My Favorite EPP Hacks
While I have covered the basics of EPP before, each EPP hack featured here is just another way to enjoy your stitching life that much more.

Applique All Day: How to Applique for English Paper Piecing (EPP)
EPP and applique are a perfect pair. EPP applique can be done by hand or machine, and this beginner friendly tutorial covers both!
Quilt Label

Stamp It Out: A Quilt Label Tutorial
I never feel like a quilt is quite complete until I put a label on it. To me, quilt labels are like an artist’s signature on a painting.