Do you love EPP but get bogged down in the process? Or do you just wish you could make some of the more tedious steps a little more efficient?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you’re not alone.
I feel like nearly every want-to-be-EPP-stitcher has a story of seeing a gorgeous hexie quilt in all of its scrappy glory and in a burst of enthusiasm dove into her scrap bin and started basting hexies. Then after about a dozen or so, she realized it was going to take FOR-EH-VER and set it aside in the WIP pile of shame.
Well, we certainly won’t point fingers in this series. Instead, we are going to demystify some of the common areas that trip EPP stitchers up and keep us from making that gorgeous hexie quilt of our dreams. This series is for each one of us who has tripped over the slow, meticulous nature of English Paper Piecing, while longing deep down inside that we could find the time and motivation to pull out that WIP from the pile of shame and give it life.
A Few Notes Before We Begin
Before we dive in, I want to share a few little notes, which you will soon realize I love sprinkling in to my tutorials.
First off, this series assumes that you have the basic skills of EPP before we begin. So, if you need a little refresher or if you’re new to EPP, I wrote another tutorial series called the EPP Primer, just for you. Have a look at it now and then come back to this one. It’s not going anywhere, so you won’t miss out on anything.
Next, do your future self a favor and go ahead and subscribe to the blog, if you haven’t already, at the bottom of this page or on the subscribe page. That way you’ll be notified each time there is a new blog post, and you’ll receive a short little takeaway right in your inbox if you can’t read the whole post just then.
Lastly, this series is meant to be fun! EPP has been such a life-giving addition to my stitching life since I figured out a few ways to make it work for me in my actual day to day existence. I believe there is joy and healing found in cultivating creativity in our lives. I genuinely hope that this series will help you cultivate a bit of creativity in your own life.
Are you ready to take your EPP to the next level? Let’s begin at the beginning by finding time to sew!
For future reference, you can always find all of the sections of the EPP Pro series here. Or you can use this handy pin for easy access from Pinterest.