2020: A Year in Review

It feels like 2020 rolled over into 2021 without a lot of fanfare. At least to me it does. Starting with September, every month felt like it was making up for lost time, squeezing in all of the things it missed during the quieter months earlier in the year.

Then the new year rolled in quietly while we sat on the sofa with an old friend. It feels a little like whiplash, to be honest. But in the same breath, it also feels like pushing away from the table after eating a really big meal with a sigh of satisfaction. 

I’ve never been particularly good at transitions, but I know how to put my head down and power through a situation for a period of time. The final months of 2020 each presented their own challenges that required more of me than I thought I could offer on several occasions.

So, the last several weeks have been a bit quieter around here, and I missed a few deadlines I set for myself. However, as I reflect back on 2020, I can honestly say that I feel more fully present and whole than I have in a really long time. It proved a year full of surprises and changes, but it also became a year full of growth. I’m grateful for the gifts that I discovered hidden in the midst of a confusing and restricted world. 

I’d love if you’d join me for a little recap and a bit of reflection. It helps me keep perspective when everything seems upside down or spinning faster than I can keep up with. I hope it helps you do the same.


Kicked off the year right with a quick machine pieced quilt top! 

Pattern: “First Gift” by Brittany Lloyd of Lo and Behold Stitchery


Dabbled in some cross stitch, and made a jumbo pin cushion.

Cross stitch pattern: Kawaii Crossing by Mollie Johanson

Pin Cushion Pattern: Wildflower Pillbox by Arabesque Scissors


COVID-19. Wrote a free mask pattern/tutorial on my blog.


Spruced up the website, and changed my IG name to @stitchingthejourney to streamline things. 

Wrote the EPP Primer tutorial series for those new to EPP.


Opened my online shop and launched my very first pattern: the Selah Pin Cushion!


Shared all of my favorite ways to take EPP to the next level in the EPP Pro tutorial series.


Started sending out a monthly newsletter that includes a FREE monthly calendar to track your stitching progress as well as a tip of the month and my favorite things to listen to whilst stitching.

Click here to receive all the goodness into your own inbox!


Stitched up a quilt as a prayer for my home country, the United States. The white stripes contain hexagons stamped with verses from Romans 8, which I memorized along with Joy Martin @themakingsofjoy.


Our dog, Jane, got sick, and an idea for a new quilt pattern came out of it. 

Published the Hand Quilting HQ tutorial series


Jane passed away, and I decided to name the new quilt pattern after her: Daisy Jane. 


After stitching pretty much nonstop for two months, the Daisy Jane quilt pattern made its way into the world!


Took a much needed break from the cyber world to focus on friends and family during the holidays, but managed to baste three quilt tops in time for the new year.

A Few Fun Facts

Here are a few stats for how 2020 shook out. Everything counted was a finish, not a WIP. Not too terrible for an otherwise questionable year all around!  

Quilts: 10

Mini quilts: 8

Miscellaneous stitching projects: 13

Patterns: 2

Tutorials: 14* 

*This includes the three tutorial series broken up into individual posts.

Have you counted how many projects you finished in 2020? I bet you’d be surprised!

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2 Responses

  1. This. multi-faceted article was both interesting, friendly and open in an empathetic and open way. I have been quilting for some years, but have not yet begun EPP. At 76, I ‘ve learned to be open to any New and Engaging subject. I do have e chronic Lyme Disease, which slows me down and frequently I don’t feel well. I continue on, though, as best as I can. My main activities are quilting, cross stitch and my husband-soul mate. I’m happy to meet you and will follow along to see where the journey leads. All Best Wishes, Patricia Kendel

    1. I’m so glad to that you popped by my blog, Patricia! I do hope that you’ll give EPP a try, when you feel up to it. That must be so challenging to cope with chronic Lyme’s, but good on you for staying active when you can. I wish you all the best, and happy stitching! Lisa

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