Do you ever feel like you just need a minute? You know that minute when the overwhelm, anxiety, depression, fear, or exhaustion feel like they might actually swallow you up this time. I know that minute.
You know what else I know? I know that minutes tick by. Minutes tick into hours that tick into days. Before you know it, a year or ten have ticked by and that original minute either feels like a distant memory or like a time warp that you’ve been stuck in while everyone else is moving on normally.
The funny thing is, the answer to feeling stuck or feeling like your life is running away with you is the same. Both require a pause.

A minute (or many) later...
The idea for this quilt originated over two years ago shortly after its tiny sidekick the Selah Pin Cushion made its way into the world. But, then came the minutes. So many minutes have passed since that original thought popped into my head. Ironically, when I decided to keep the name of this quilt reminiscent of its pin cushion pal, I had no idea how much I would need the pause this quilt would bring.

A minute of overwhelm...
If you have ever started an English paper pieced quilt before, then you have likely experienced how overwhelming it can feel to suddenly realize just how small the pieces are compared to just how big the quilt is actually supposed to be.
Sometimes you stitch through it.
Other times you just need a change of pace.
Permission to put down the long term WIP and all of the shame that goes along with it, and pause. Listen to what inspires you. Take on something lighter, more manageable. Let things go.
That is what this quilt has been for me.

A minute to rest...
The word “selah” is of Hebrew origin. Traditionally, it has been used in the Biblical psalms to signal a pause in music, much like a rest. Sometimes we need that in life.
One of my favorite quotes comes from artist and musician John Ruskin, who says, “There is no music in a rest, but there is the making of music in it.”

A minute to stitch...
My sincere hope is that this quilt would offer you rest. May the simplicity of the blocks, the traditional structure along with its modern scale, revive your inspiration. And, with it, may you find a kind pace that cultivates a little more of the joy and healing that creativity brings. One stitch at a time.
Get your copy of the pattern by clicking the button below. Happy stitching!
Speaking of stitching...
Want to stitch along with me?
As the year winds down, wouldn’t it be nice to settle in to some slow stitching that you could actually finish?
Sweet Selah quilt is such a lovely mix of classic EPP shapes but on a fun, larger scale. The result is all of the delight and enjoyment of EPP, but with the satisfaction and achievability of a machine sewn quilt.
Beginning the end of this month, if you only stitch TWO blocks per week, you can easily have a quilt top all stitched together before the hustle and bustle of the holidays.
The stitchalong kicks off on September 29 and runs through December 15. It’s the perfect chance to pull out that long hoarded FQ bundle, and give yourself the gift of a satisfying and achievable finish before the close of 2022.
So, if that sounds as good to you as it does to me, sign up here to receive biweekly emails throughout the stitchalong that will offer lots of insider tips and tricks, plus plenty of inspiration. I can’t wait to stitch along with you!

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